SMS-Info Service
Your accounts are just one SMS away.
“ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC offers SMS-Info service to make its customer service even more comfortable.
Advantages of SMS-Info service are:
By subscribint to the SMS-Info service, you will be able to receive the following information.
To get information via pull messages send an SMS with the correspondent key word to the 1041 short number:
Key word
Information received
S BAL Last two digits of your account number (not required)
i.e. ՝ S BAL or S BAL 65
Information on the residue of the mentioned account, or all accounts in case of not mentioning the last two digits.
S STMT Last two digits of your account number (not required)
i.e. ՝ S STMT or S STMT 65
Information on last transactions executed during the day by the mentioned account, or all accounts in case of not mentioning the last two digits.
Information on the exchange rates of the Bank.
S LOAN Loan Agreement number (required)
i.e. ՝ S LOAN LAC00-0000-00
Information on the mentioned loan upcoming repayment day and amount of principal and interest.
Tariffs of the service
In case of pull messages the operation company will charge you AMD 50 per one SMS.
In case of push messages sent by the Bank as a result of your subscription, no fees will be charged up to 31 December 2014. In case a fee is decided to be charged from 1 January 2015 for SMS-Info service you will be notified about it at least 1 month before.
There is no fee charged for SMS-Info service activation.
There is no monthly fee charged for SMS-Info service.
You can refuse the SMS-Info service anytime by notifying the Bank in written or orally.
“ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC provides services according to our policy of “Main conditions on serving clients’ bank accounts and providing other services”.
To enjoy the advantages of SMS-Info service, you must subscribe by filling in the correspondent Application. You can subscribe both by attending the Bank in person, or electronically by filling in and submitting the correspondent Application.
Download the SMS-Info Application
You can also send the filled in Application to the [email protected] e-mail.
Dear Customer,
For more details or in case of questions, please, feel free to attend the Bank at 10 V. Sargsyan, or call by (+374 10) 54 06 59, 52 04 55 telephone numbers.