“ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC acknowledges the critical role of Whistleblowers and Witnesses in exposing Prohibited Practices and other acts of Wrongdoing in order to enable the “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC to effectively prevent, detect, and mitigate such malfeasance and to safeguard the resources entrusted to its care. Whistleblowers and Witnesses play important roles in contributing to the mission of the “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC. In protecting Whistleblowers and Witnesses, the “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC is safeguarding its own financial, operational, and reputational integrity, and ultimately its efforts to make a significant and ambitious contribution to the implementation of its mandate.
The Procedure on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses
The Procedure on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses is an expression of the “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC’s zero-tolerance of fraud and corruption and is intended to provide clear avenues for exposing fraud and integrity violations. By so doing, it would facilitate the effective prevention and detection of such malfeasance. Furthermore, it would enable the “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC to safeguard the resources entrusted to its care and ensure that those resources are deployed effectively and efficiently
ARMSWISSBANK's Accountability Mechanism is the last resort for raising issues and addressing problems. Project-affected people (complainants) must first contact the concerned bank department and try to resolve their issues and complaints. If they are not satisfied with the solutions offered by Bank staff, they can file a complaint with the Complaint Receiving Officer (CRO).
Complaint Receiving Officer:
Risk Management and Compliance Department
[email protected]
(+374 60) 757-000, (+374 11) 757-000
Mailing Address:
10 Vazgen Sargsyan, Yerevan 0010, RA
Grievance ID
Date Received
Nature of Grievance
Action Taken
Date Resolved